Thursday, September 25, 2014

Links to discussion of how to handle racism in children's books

I'm having fun today reading others' blog discussions about racism in children's books.  Here are the various links.

First, Elizabeth Bird's post today, 9/25/14.

Second, Philip Nel's response, and I hadn't encountered him on the web before, so I'm looking forward to following him.  Here's his blog.

Third, another responder whose blog is named The Moving Castle, had a post on the topic.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Where are the Sendak Board Books, please?

Underappreciated in the 21st century? 
Earlier this year, my store received a table easel advertising forthcoming "first time in board book" editions of the four Nutshell Library books by Maurice Sendak: Alligators All Around, Chicken Soup with Rice, One Was Johnny, and Pierre: a Cautionary Tale.  Ingram's ipage shows the publication date as 7/01/2014 but no copies in stock, none on order.  HarperCollins website and Amazon don't mention the board book edition at all.  I am wondering whether the publication was delayed or cancelled.

I hope it does happen, because I would love to see Chicken Soup reach a wider audience. I admit that board book editions of these titles aren't necessary--the child who can sit through readings of these books is generally above board-book age.  However, with a board book edition available, I picture more shoppers running into it while browsing for baby shower gifts, and I picture more toddlers carrying it in the stroller.  To paraphrase the jacket copy, "Each month is gay, each season nice, when strollers have Chicken Soup with Rice"!